Goldfish Swim School Lessons
Sports > Training
Item ID | Starting Bid | Bids | Current Bid |
91505 | $20.00 | 11 | $45.00 |
Want your little guppy swimming by summer, then Goldfish Swim School is the place to go. No parent wants to worry about their child around water and with warm weather on it's way, now is the perfect time to get swimming lessons started. Golfish provides very effective and customized swimming lessons, based on your childs needs in the water. If they can totally transform my terrorized 5 year old into a graceful glider, they can get anyone swimming! This item is for One Month of lessons + Registration fee. This bundle also includes 2 Free Family Swim Passes, 1 Pass for one Free Class, child size goggles, and other goodies. Approximately $100 value